Category Archives: Uncategorized

Put your DUKES Down


There are people who solve their issues by words, people who solve them by revenge and others solve their issues using their dukes. Now days people make sure that they prove their point and get the message across. What people fail to realize is that words can punch harder than the fist that you do use… Why use your dukes? In any confrontation it’s not good to use dukes or words, what you are suppose to do is solve the situation by walking away but most people act upon impulse, have friends and like to show off so walking away is definitely thrown out the door.

If anyone reads their bible then they would know that fighting their own battles is not permitted. God will take care of all your battles for you; whether it be physically- he will work things out in some sort of way, but you have to know and trust that he has your back. God is telling you “HEY girl, put your dukes down, I got this. Even spiritually, God still says “Hey, now you know I have this so put your dukes down.” Understand that God’s got your back even when you don’t know it.

Everything you had to fight in 2011, you won’t fight in 2012 (PUT YOUR DUKES DOWN)
Sickness that you are trying to get rid of (PUT YOUR DUKES DOWN)
Friends that you thought were “true” but end up being “fake” (PUT YOUR DUKES DOWN)
Drama, confusion, worries, stress.. etc. (PUT YOUR DUKES DOWN)

Girl you don’t have to worry about breaking one nail because God has your back, just remember … PUT YOUR DUKES DOWN!

Music Monday


YES!!! We have made it to a new year.. 2012! So AWESOME.. and it is all thanks to the one above obviously. He is able to do anything and we should be able to give him praise for that. None of us would have made it but God allowed us to. So today this song just really touched my heart and it is the only song I have been jamming to this morning. Listen to it and and listen well.. these words are so powerful.

Music Monday


Hey girl,

I have not been myself lately. So much has been on my mind and I have been trying to take care of so much. I’m sure you understand, but I am back on top of the world now and I’m going to keep moving forward with a smile on my face. 🙂

I decided the song for today.. well this week is (DRUMROLE PLEASE!!)….



Good Morning,

Glad that God allowed all of you to see another day. You’re living, breathing and defining your purpose. This week is a “late night- early morning” week for most college students. Shout out to all the collegiate students, GOOD LUCK to all who are taking exams this week. Know that with God all things are possible.

Funky Fresh (Phresh) Friday


What’s up.. Ok so today is FUNKY FRESH FRIDAY!!! Why idk because it just came to me. You know how I love vintage and clothes that are different.. or things that make me stand out from other people. Well I found some of the cutest “That 70’s show” type of style and I think it is really funky!!! lol. Check it out..

"THE" look!

Here are some of the flarest pants..comfortable too! Great for both winter and spring.

Ok! So I thought this outfit was totally cute and “funky fresh (phresh)”! It say’s “I’m independent, bold but yet chill…not booshie but I do have class” Watch out

Apparently, this style is coming back in.. so get funky with it!!

Love you,
Ladye V

Worship Wednesday


LADDIEESS!!! It is Worship Wednesday and you know what that means…. Time to get a little inspirational and a light word to pop off the rest of your day.

Today I am coming from Proverbs 31:30 and it reads “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” You ever heard the phrase “looks aren’t everything,” this is what Proverbs 31:30 is telling us. Don’t let it be all about whats on the outside (it won’t get you very far). It is the inside that counts and if your inside is not jumping or fearing for Jesus then… you might want to change that!

Love you gals!

Let’s BOHO


If you have a different taste, unique style, and a pizzazz fashion…. try BOHO JEWELRY! Its cute, fun, fierce and vintage! I myself am a huge fan of vinatge and I’m sure some of you are too!!!

BOHO JEWELRY will be selling items at the DALLAS FLEA on December 3, 2011 from 11am to 5pm. You would not want to miss out on awesome gifts for your sister, mother, cousins, grandma and aunt’s!  The address is 1409 S. Lamar St. Dallas, Texas. With over 70 vendors there selling their items you can count on coming out with a load of items for an inexpensive price as well as uniquely designed. Enjoy Girls 🙂

Im Back! :)


OMG!! It has been so long since I have shared my thoughts and ideas with you all… Ok so let me catch you up! My Thanksgiving was really AWESOME.. I had the chance to have my bestfriend from London spend the week with me for the holidays since she was not able to go home. She was able to see so much of the “AMERICAN LIFE” and enjoyed it. I was glad to see my family but they seemed more interested in my guest…lol. They couldn’t wait to hear her interesting british accent just as other peole are eager to as well.

Things have been going well in other aspects of my life as well such as internships and connecting with interesting new people. God has been doing so much for me and opening doors I had no idea was there. Glad I stay in contact with him otherwise things would not be possible.

I think there might be a new guy trying to enter my life but I will tell you girls about that later….. lol.